Sunday 15 September 2013

Life - a gift

Life - a gift

Friday the 13th!  Downright sad - totally emotionally drained.

Let me start from the middle of the week - Wednesday 11th September had lovely weather but that didn't in anyway reflect in my spirit.  I felt a pang of loss thinking about my loving and most adorable Dad (he's the substance of what Dad's should be - all wise; encouraging; respectful; respectable; hard working; religious; moral - indeed if there's Heaven that's where he is). Then there was also the loss of my one and only sister Shiru.  Gone too soon on her own volition - no warning!  Woke up one morning to learn that she was no more leaving behind an innocent 3 year old girl to be raised by her grandparents and the society at large.  And in that wake I also lost one of my best best best friends.  That void in my heart yearns for her everyday.  

Wednesday passes slowly, and as slow as the hours were, my spirit found a better ground as the day progressed.

But the happy spirit was soon disrupted by the sad news of the death of Kevin, Cucu's (the nanny) 19 year old son.  I could have dealt with his death better if he had died of natural cause.  But the young lad died in the brutal hands of one or two blood thirsty cops.  Shot in cold blood despite being unarmed and with hands up in surrender to show he was harmlessly minding his own business.  But that wasn't good enough to keep the fidgety fingers in check!  They pulled the trigger with only one purpose - shoot to kill.  

I'll never know what must have gone through the mind of that young lad and his pal as they went down - innocently.  But one thing I know for sure is that those cops will never have a peaceful night of sleep.  They will always think that the next person they come across will be avenging the deaths of these two boys.  They will live in fear not only for their own lives, but also for the lives of their loved ones.  They'll live with this guilt and fear until their own lives come to an end in whatever way they do.  

There's not much that I can do as Mwihaki Waithiru, but I can at least keep giving Cucu a listening ear whenever she needs it.  I'll cry with her as she relives the memories of her son's gift of life stolen from him too soon.

Life - a gift
Life - ever so precious
Life - ever so fickle
Life - always has an end
I pray for peace
I pray for ease
I pray to cease (anger)
I pray to please

Life - a gift I treasure.